
Mar 12, 2012

Dear Wil

Dear Wil,
Tonight I had a new idea as I was changing my clothes, getting ready for bed. I was ruminating over all the blog postings you wrote that I had just finished reading. I admit, I was behind a month. I didn't realize you were going on a working cruise so had a lot of catching up to do.

"What an awesome life" I thought to myself. "I want to go on the Jo(?) cruise with him next year. I want to be surrounded by geeks and nerds and the great blue ocean. I can only pray he sings karaoke again, what a blast to watch him have fun." Because that performance was just that - pure fun, not contrived, and more importantly not embarrassed.

As I put on my PJs and stripped off my makeup, I reflected on all the years that I have been reading your blog posts and following your career. (Those things happened After next gen, by the way as I was more on the loving Riker team during the first run years.) I can't think of a single celebrity I have stayed consistently with for such a long period.

Maybe because it's not an obsession. It's sincerely "this guy is like me and/or people I know". He reads. He loves sci fi. He has a damned snarky sense of the absurd. And he's brutally honest and sincere. So I need to take the next cruise and hope he's on it so I can tell him so to his face!!

I sweated over that a bit, because I wasn't sure if I could pull that off. Then if I did, maybe you would have a business conflict that prevents you from attending. Who knows, Ryan could get married at that time. Stranger things have happened.

How do I get the chance to just let you know in a quiet so-not-stalking-you kind of way that you've been the best Internet hangout buddy for well over a decade now?

Then I remembered I had a blog. A poor under-utilized and bare place I called home on the net. As that came to mind, it clicked. Nay, it formed full bodied in my mind. I CAN WRITE LETTERS TO WIL!! On my blog! And go after the longest running personal dream I have - to write. Yeah, that's the ticket. Maybe this will be "the idea", the one that finally breaks the writers block.

I'm a talker. I like to talk to people. Maybe letter writing is a way to transition one gift into another. And if I'm going to do it, who is there more interesting to talk to than you, Wil?

Of course there's an app for that! So I downloaded it. Now I'm sitting here in my bed carrying on a conversation with you. One-sided. 'Cept on a little bitty tiny keyboard that I need my glasses to see. And thinking about do I finish this letter to you before I go write up a bug about the most annoying defect ever? Or stop now and hope all this saves while I scream "really? You didn't actually create a lengthy post while you were testing and notice the annoying feature of your active line of text being hidden behind the keyboard?" Seriously doesn't anybody in the mobile app space pay folks experienced in the art of software testing to test their product?

And while I'm on that rant, Wil, let me tell you about another one. I just paid to download this BlogPress app to my phone so that I wouldn't have to deal with the annoyingly faulty space bar on my iPad. Where I have another perfectly fine blog writing app. I can't use it because I go nuts when I start picking up real steam and then notice every other word runs into the word next to it. Does no one else have this problem?

Wil, I have to sign off now. My phone is just about dead and it's way too much trouble to charge it while lying in bed. I can do one or the other, not both. And it was stupid frigging First day at work after stupid Spring Forward. I haven't stopped yawning since I got up this morning. And the capper to my day would be if I lose all this before I have a chance to submit it!

So bye for now. Take care of you and yours,

1 comment:

Debie said...

Woo hoo! You're back1