I'm ready to part ways with stuff. Stuff that I can't believe now I spend money on. What was I thinking trying to buy up every Dr. Seuss collectible figurine Hallmark put out in the early y2k decade? I was never a big Dr. Seuss fan - so why did I buy all that stuff? It's been sitting in my attic for years now, all neat and tidily boxed up (in original packaging!) and taking up space. I got it all out last night, took photos, and posted it on craigslist. My mistake was not to set a price and put a make offer! I got offered $25 for the whole lot. See what my life has come to? That's the way all my investments have ended up. I've poured in a ton of money, and then been left with nothing to show for it.........
If you would like to purchase my retirement investments from me, here are some ads on craigslist!
Dr Seuss Collectibles
Cow Parade Collectibles
more of my retirement investments to come, believe me.......there's more!